I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The Journey to have a baby.

I always knew that I wanted  to have a baby, and wanted to try as soon as, if not before we got married. So, a few months before the wedding I went to see the GP. The GP told me to stop taking the dianette (pill) as in his eyes I had been on it far too long. I assumed that as soon as I stopped taking it miraculously - I might suddenly start a cycle and conceive. I even went as far as to do a pregnancy test every now and again. Was it naivety, desperation, longing. Whatever it was this was only the start of the journey for me. I don't think I can put into words how overwhelming the longing was. People may think it silly, selfish. I know over the course of the years I have read some very hurtful things about women who undergo IVF. But in my opinion, not only did I have a physical issue with trying to conceive, but the longing starts to cause emotional changes, and these in turn had an effect on my own life and put a terrible strain on my relationship.

1 comment:

  1. ivf

    I know over the course of the decades I have study some very damaging elements about females who go through IVF.
