I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Friday 9 April 2010

Treatments for PCOS

After finding out that I had PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome) I naturally wanted to find out more. I was prescribed the mini pill, so that I would have a 'bleed' every month. Apparently this would stop the lining of the womb from becoming unhealthy, and would also prevent anymore cysts from forming. I was informed by the Gynaecologist that the best treatment would be a pill called Dianette -that also deals with the other symptoms of PCOS - such as Acne and excess hair. But as I did not suffer from these other symptoms, and because of a family history of blood clots, I was given the mini pill as an alternative.

Being given the pill to take at 15 had its own implications. I felt very self conscious when getting the prescription filled - what were they thinking? Did they think I was promiscuous? And when given a prescription for Antibiotics, the pharmacist would always tell me that I needed to be careful as the antibiotics would effect the reliability of the pill, this caused my mum and me on many occasions to jump in and declare to the world that I wasn't using the pill for that reason! On reflection, this probably brought more attention to the fact that I was taking the pill than if I had just walked away and smiled sweetly.

Anyway, on to the research. Sixteen years ago when I was first diagnosed with PCOS the internet wasn't as much of an on hand information providing machine as it is today. I therefore went to my library and bookshop and found a few books on the subject. I managed to find one book on PCOS itself - but all the other books were on infertility with a chapter or sometimes even just a paragraph on the subject. At this time, the syndrome was relatively unheard of and certainly not the talk of the town as it later became when celebs proclaimed left, right and centre that they had PCOS - Victoria Beckham, being the first one that springs to mind.

I remember reading about the symptoms of PCOS and thinking that it didn't really sound like me - Women with terrible acne, facial hair, lots of excess body hair, obesity. Okay I was overweight, and had a few spots, but I felt like what they were describing sounded horrific, I started to worry that all the described things would happen to me in time. I now realise that every woman is different, and presents in a very different way. I did have a little bit of what I would call 'un-natural' hair. Some on my tummy and a few singles hair on my breasts. I have had a cry about this as well in the past. Feeling unfeminine and embarrassed.

One benefit of finding out at such a young age, and I suppose my natural disposition, meant that I was and am still able to talk about PCOS, it's symptoms, and the fact that I had it / have it, quite openly with people. I have never felt particularly uncomfortable about explaining it to people. This helped me a great deal when I was still at school, and the girls talked about their 'time of the month'. One day, I remember turning round and saying that I didn't have that. From that day till this women's comment is always "you are so lucky". Trust me, I certainly didn't feel like it!!!

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