I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Friday 16 July 2010

How to tell a new partner!

Where did I get to?

Okay - I have told you that I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15. At that point I was a long way off thinking about starting a family. I went to an all girls school (not necessarily a reason I know), and did not really have a boyfriend until I was 20 years old. Well things did not really get that serious with him, but I did take the pill, and I suppose in some ways I felt quite self conscious of the fact.  Also by this point I had startied to show some of the other symptoms of PCOS -  such as spots around the mouth. I also used to have the most terrible mood swings. This led me to the decision to discuss my diagnosis with my new boyfriend. I did not feel that it was taken in any way other than a discussion about something I suffered with. Some of my friends thought that may be it would be taken the wrong way e.g. I want to have a baby with you! But it didn't seem to be. Anyway that relationship turned sour (very sour) and we parted.

About a year later I met someone else. I was now 21. I yet again thought about whether I should tell him, and made the decision to do so very early on in our relationship. He did not seem bothered -and did not run the other way. In my mind I felt that if someone would not accept me for what I am from the beginning then that is their problem. Now (10 years on) I think I would be more reserved about telling someone - so maybe it was my immaturity a bit.

This second relationship did not turn sour, and we were married when I was 24. Since marrying my husband, I asked him what he thought about me telling him so early on in our relationship - he said that he wasn't bothered, but wondered slightly why I was telling him! So, was I wrong to tell someone so early on - I don't think so - In my eyes, that is who I am, and it felt like a big part of my life.

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