I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Thursday 19 August 2010

One Stop Fertility Testing!

I suppose in some ways I could be seen as fortunate as I knew from a young age that I would need some sort of fertility treatment. Therefore, when we arrived at the point in our relationship when we wanted to try for a baby - I went to see the GP to start the ball rolling. For those who have been trying for a baby for a number of months to no avail may be interested in a clinic in West Wimbledon which provides a one stop fertility MOT. Basically you as a couple go to the clinic, the woman has an in depth scan (sometimes a blood test) and the man gives a sperm sample. After one hour the clinic is able to give you some idea of why if for any reason you have been having difficulty conceiving. I personally feel that it is a good first step, even for those who haven't been trying to conceive for that long, as if there are any major problems or minor ones that could benefit from some simple life style advice then these are highlighted early on.


1 comment:

  1. ivf treatment

    There are any significant issues or slight ones that could advantage from some simple design of living guidance then these are outlined beginning on.
