I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Friday 19 March 2010

Diagnosis - A long time coming!

So at the age of fifteen - I went to the Doctor to discuss my symptons. I described the pain that I felt in my lower abdomen on one side, and my concerns that I hadn't started my period, even though I had gone through puberty in all other ways.

The doctor - handed me a prescription for Gaviscon - and told me she thought I had trapped wind. I wasn't convinced, and neither was my Mum. It seemed ludicrous, but what did we know!

So like a good patient - I took my Gaviscon, and what a surprise it neither got rid of the pain, or started my Period for me! I know Gaviscon is good...but surely not that good...

My mum booked another appointment for the Doctor (needless to say not the same one). This time, the Doctor listened, and she agreed it was strange that I had the pain and hadn't started my period yet. She referred me for an ultrasound.

The day of the ultrasound arrived - I drank my 2 litres of water, arrived at the hospital absolutley bursting for the toilet. I was greeted with a room full of pregnant ladies, all waiting for their scans too. I remember, even at fifteen looking at them with a feeling that I wanted that to be me one day.

I had the ultrasound, the songrapher was silent throughout - no inkling of whether she found anything or not. It was then a further two weeks before I was able to go the doctor to get the results. I counted the days, and was praying that it would be good news.

The day of the doctors appointment arrived, I nervously went in with my mum. The doctor told me that the scan all looked fine - that the lining of the womb was thickening, and she thought that my period would probably start in the next week.

Now this may seem very weird to all those women who dread the time of the month - but I was so excited. I had just received confirmation, that I was indeed a woman!!!

But, there was more...she was referring me to the gynaecologists at the hospital. I would receive an appointment in the post.

Well this was a bit confusing, but I thought nothing of it and went home in my happy state to await my period. My mum even bought me some sanitary pads on the way home in anticipation.

This was to all be in vain as I was to find out a few weeks later.....

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