I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Friday 12 March 2010

Where it all started.

When I was at primary school, I was the tallest girl in the class, and the most physically developed. My mum gave me all the appropriate talks on starting periods, and what to do etc. But to her suprise, I didn't start. From the age of 11 to 14 I found myself thinking about it more and more. Each tummy ache could signal the start of adulthood for me, but to no avail. My mum tried to hide her concern, but I could sense her suprise, when still at the age of fourteen, there was no sign. Sometimes, I would cry, as I felt like I was missing out on something. All the other girls in my class had started their period.

At the age of fifteen we started to have sex education lessons, and I remember one lesson in particular where we had the "Tampax" lady visit. The "Tampax" lady was coming to our school to give a talk to all 66 girls in the year. We congregated in the school gym, where we watched a presentation about our periods, what products to use, and the risks of Toxic shock syndrome. From her discussion, she assumed that everyone in the class had by now started their period. I felt like the lost sheep. Especially when we were all given a free sample of Tampax to take home.

At the end of the talk I plucked up the courage to go up to her - could she tell me why I hadn't started? From what I can remember, the lady was very nice, and explained to me how everyone starts at a different age - and that she was sure it would happen for me very soon.

I went home to my mum in tears. I remember telling her that I felt masculine, that I felt like I had a deep voice, maybe this was what was wrong with me. On reflection, this now seems ridiculous, but at the time, I truly meant it.

It also came to my mum's attention that I repeatedly complained of pain in my lower right side, and we both started to wonder whether this was connected in some way. At first my parent's thought that maybe it was the start of appendicitis - but it was too low down for this. So an appointment was booked for the Doctor - to go and discuss this and also my anxieties at not having started my period.

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