I aim for this blog to be a place where I can share my experiences of
infertility and IVF. I will share with others my journey, and hopefully in turn
offer support and insight to others.

Friday 5 March 2010

Who am I?

I am a 31 year old woman, married, with two children aged 1 and 3. Six years ago I never thought I would be typing that! Using this blog, I would like to be able to share with you my personal journey of infertility and IVF.

I discovered that I would need medical intervention to start a family at the age of fifteen, when I was first diagnosed with PCOS. From the age of fifteen to the present day I have read, listened and researched into many different areas surrounding infertility and related treatments. I hope that with my personal experience and my little bit of obtained knowledge, I may be able to offer other women (or men) some support.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee
    Your blog is fabulous. Looking forward to your next post.
    Keep it up please
